Sunday, July 5, 2009


ELOW....Today woke up early went to school take something Special thingS....hahaha,then went home rest awhile and go out with family to breakfast and go Wisma Merdeka and I saw my Freind ~C.T~hahaha,after that I wake to sigama bought my Span,haiz haiz....I redo my product, because the filla make ugly my product!!! meybe I dont know how to use the Filla >.< make me need redo!!!!haiz haiz,but Its ok! haha...this is I done my product for painted filla and this is the redo product!hehe Erm...I 1.oopm back home and do my Product for 5hour!!!!haha...After that I go to damai dinner and I park the car under the tree,after diner I saw my car alot of Bird shit!!haha....and I go home and wash car!... hehehe...then I with friends went to 1b for watch mOIve ~17 again~after that we go round around city(k.K) hahaha...thats all for today I wanna share with yOU ..Night!ZzzZzzZz-sleepy~

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