Thursday, July 23, 2009


  • Yesterday I watched Eclipse at school haha...But not so clear and I used a film to see.

  • After school kokum just Ric and I only because that isac absent and leave us at school ...So bored!

  • This afternoon, after I came back from school, then I went to ~lindas super-market~ to buy sea coconut to make Jelly~haha....easy to make ~

~My recipe~
1.Buy jelly powder and sea coconut or longan
2.Ready cup plastic and put sea coconut to each of cup
3.Then boil water and add sugar
4.After add sugar and put jelly powder
5.Next, after boil the water sugar put in to each of cup and wait for cool .then put into icebox
6.Finally!done the sea coconut jelly!

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