Wednesday, July 8, 2009


haha...Today we ~Me,Isac and ricky~went to bobo house~haha...we when ~pOol Zone~ play POOr for fun~... around 4round then we go watch movie and isac spend both of us...haha I with bobo watch ~Transformer~ and ric and sac watch kids movie~Iceage~ hahahahaha.....Erm....after end we go for lunch at Mc.donald haha....after lunch then bobo send us back hOme haha...Go home bath and nap for awhile.After that fetch mum to aunty house then I alone went o 1b find sister and shopping with them...after 1b then go city-maill again~ haha...then I go fetch mum back home lu~~thats all wanna to share with you!

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